The “13th Hour” Group Show at Last Rites Gallery in New York

The 3rd annual “13th Hour” Group Show is up at Last Rites Gallery in NYC through November 27th. It’s an amazing space, so I encourage you to stop by if you’re in the city. Artists this year include: Paul Booth, Scott G. Brooks, Caniglia, John Cebollero, David R. Choquette, Christopher Conte, Brendan Danielsson, Jason D’Aquino, Pedro De Kastro, Paul Gerrard, Fred Harper, Naoto Hattori, Charlie Immer, Sarah Joncas, Craig LaRotonda, Laurie Lipton, Travis Louie, Michael Mararian, Chris Mars, Richard Meyer, Chris Peters, Anthony Pontius, Paul Rumsey, José Manuel Schmill, David Stoupakis, Brian M. Viveros, Jasmine Worth, and Chet Zar.

Here’s a link to the online preview. It’s always nice to show with such a great lineup of artists. The work is awesome as usual, but I particularly enjoyed Brenden Danielsson’s drawings.

Here’s my piece, “Mousetrapped”:
