I’ve had a great summer so far. The weather here in DC has been amazing, and I’ve been trying to get outside as much as I can. I took a few weeks off after the solo show to regroup, but the last couple of months I’ve slowly been gearing up for some upcoming shows and trying out a new series. First up was a fundraiser at Distinction Arts in San Diego last week, followed up by the Summer Salon at Sloan Fine Arts, which opens tomorrow at in NYC. I’ll be heading up for that in the morning and hanging out for a few days.
In September, I’ll be part of the show “Under Surveillance” at Nevin Kelly Gallery here in DC. That opens Thursday, September 18 from 6-9.
Under Surveillance
Sondra N. Arkin, Scott G. Brooks, Groover Cleveland, Richard Dana, Anna U. Davis, Aziza Claudia Gibson-Hunter, Rosemary Luckett, Elizabeth Morisette, Ann Stoddard, Tim Tate, Ruth Trevarrow, Ellyn Weiss
For some time we have watched with concern, anger, even fear, as the area of personal privacy available to each of us shrinks due to the technology and the license now given both to the government and private corporations to watch and listen to us. Under Surveillance presents the responses of twelve very different artists to this fact. Curated by Ellyn Weiss and Sondra N. Arkin.
I’ll have my painting for that show up by the end of the week.
In October, I’ll be part of a three person show at Distinction Arts in San Diego. The other artists are Andy Haynes and Marie Barr. The show runs from October 11 to November 1, 2008, and the opening reception is October 11, 6-11 pm. I’ll be in attendance.
This is one of the pieces for the show. Most everything will be from this series. I’m sure you can see a trend, and I’ll talk about this more as it comes together.
“A Change of Heart”
oil on panel
10″ x 16″
On the heels of the show in San Diego I’ll have some work in “The 13th Hour” at Last Rites Gallery up in NYC. I’m planning to swing by tomorrow or Thursday and chat with them about what work to send. I have some ideas. The opening is Saturday, October 18, and will also feature HR Giger, Michael Hussar, Kris Kuksi, John John Jesse, Chet Zar, Inky Dreadfuls, Anthony Pontius, Lithium Picnic, Carrie Anne Baade, and more.
The new series of work is finally going well, after a month or so of trial and error. Working on small panels presented some challenges I wasn’t expecting. I’m back to real turpentine and linseed oil for the time being, and that seemed to work better than anything. The theme will reveal itself over time. I won’t say much else other than it will be a good opportunity to re-introduce some old friends.
Other news – I traded in my old cell phone for an iPhone, so now I just have one phone number for everything and no landline. I’m loving it so far and still learning how to use it. It’s possible to blog and upload photos directly from there, but I’m still working on that.