Just before Christmas, Kim Ward from the WPA asked me if I would be interested in painting an egg for this years State Easter Egg Display at the White House Visitors Center. It was an odd request, but I agreed. This past Monday was the unveiling and reception for the artists. First up was a private tour of the White House. Following that was a reception with the First Lady.
The eggs will be on display through Easter, so stop by if you can.
White House photo by Shealah Craighead
Photo by Mike L
Photo by me
Everyone was great. Most of the artists, including those from Hawaii and Alaska, came in for event. Many more drove half-way across the country. Mike and I took a cab. Luckily for us we were still on Italy time, since we needed to be there by 6:30am. They allowed us to bring 3 guests, so besides Mike I brought Frederick and Kim, since she brought all this together.
The tour was fun and different than most White House tours in that we could wander freely throughout the rooms, take pictures, and caress the decor. After seeing so many huge, over-the-top palaces in Italy, it seems very modest.
Here are a few pictures. Mike took most of them, so big thanks to him and also to Frederick and Kim for joining me. All the photos are on my Flickr site.
Waiting for George
Kim Ward, myself, Mike, and Frederick Nunley.
Mike and I in the East Room. That’s a portrait of Martha Washington behind us, and the famous portrait of Washington by Gilbert Stuart is further back. This is the room where most large press conferences take place, as well as ceremonies and entertaining.
The Green Room
Wonderful portrait of Benjamin Franklin by David Martin, shown wearing a powdered wig.
Exiting the Green Room into the Blue Room.
Mike and I on the President’s couch in the Blue Room.
Another great portrait in the Red Room of Martin Van Buren’s daughter-in-law, Angelica Singleton Van Buren. It was painted in 1842 by Henry Inman and hangs above the mantel. The marble bust of Van Buren seen in the painting is also in the room.
Frederick in the White House State Dining Room.