
Dr. Sketchy Photos

The show went great, and we had a big crowd – full of very serious artists. In between drawing sessions, Elvis, “The Red King,” kept the audience occupied and well fed by throwing them twinkies. Big thanks to Bambi Galore, L’il Dutch, special guest Buster Hymen, and Elvis, “The Red King!”

Dr. Sketchy photo

Dr. Sketchy photo
Bambi and Buster

Dr. Sketchy photo
Elvis, Bambi, and Buster judge the drawings

Dr. Sketchy photo
L’il Dutch

Dr. Sketchy photo
Nice windmills

Dr. Sketchy photo
Nice tulips

Dr. Sketchy photo

Dr. Sketchy photo
Bambi and Elvis after the show

Dr. Sketchy this Saturday – July 7

As part of Art in Heat, there will be a Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School this Saturday night at the Warehouse. Hosted by Elvis, the “Red King” and featuring Bambi Galore and Lil’ Dutch. The show starts at 7, and drawing continues until 11:30. There will be drawing contests and drink specials, and everyone is invited to stay after Dr. Sketchy for karaoke with Elvis.

Space is limited, but you can buy tickets online now and reserve a spot via the Art in Heat website:

Date: Saturday, July 7
Time: 2 Sessions! Act I: 7-9pm, Act II: 9:30-11:30pm
Place: Warehouse Second Stage
Cost: $8 for each session or $10 for both

Email if you have any questions.

Dr. Sketchy Poster
art by Alan Defibaugh

FAQ (courtesy of

How is Dr. Sketchy’s different from a normal life drawing class?

In normal life classes, silent students sit in a silent room and draw a bored, oft-uninteresting model. In Dr. Sketchy’s we’ve got bodacious burlesque queens as models. We’ve got ridiculous art contests (best incorporation of a woodland animal? Best imagined costume?), good music and flashy prizes. We’ve got a selection of posh beverages- alcoholic and not- available to buy.

At Dr. Sketchy’s, we don’t care if you picked up a pad yesterday or 50 years ago. Come to drink or to draw. We’re happy to have you.

What mediums can I use?

All dry mediums are okay, as are dip pens and a neat watercolour sets. Oil paints, messy mediums and stinky mediums are not okay. Please don’t cause a mess. Sharpen your pencils over the garbage can.

Are there easles? Tables? Sketchpads?

The Warehouse has a few tables. All seating is first come, first served.

Art in Heat Photos

Full recap coming soon. In the meantime here are some photos of the artists. As you can see, a good time was had by all. A full gallery of photos will be on the Art in Heat website in the next week or so.

Big thanks to everyone who came out to the show Saturday and also to the artists, Lobsterboy and his Revue, our DJ Adam, Molly, and Paul. Special thanks to Jared of course, Kate for all her hard work, and Mike for both the website and putting up with me these last several months.

From left: Chris Bishop, Albert Schweitzer, Alan Defibaugh, Candace Keegan, and Anna U Davis. That’s Emily Green Liddle in front.

Emily, me, Candy, Jared Davis, Alan, and Chris.

Jared, Linas Garsys, me, and Candy.

Me, Lisa Brotman, Margaret Dowell, and Chris Bishop.

Albert and Emily.

Emily and Candy.

John Lancaster and Laurel Hausler.

Dana Ellyn and Anna U Davis.

Myself and Anna.

Rob, Linas, and Mike.

The Warehouse’s Molly Ruppert and Linas.

The mysterious Bambi Galore and Jared – armed with his beer and duct tape – ready for anything.

Lil’ Dutch and myself.