
Working for the Man…or the Kids

Since the beginning of the year I’ve finished art for 3 kids’ books. It’s a bit too early to give out the details on the books, but you can see a sampling of the art below. I’m scheduled to do a book signing at the National Convention for the ALA (American Library Association) this June at the D.C. Convention Center.

Book #1

Book #2

Book #3

Los Angeles – April ’07

It’s been a busy travel month. We were in Rehoboth Beach and Baltimore, and we also flew out to L.A. the weekend of the 22nd. We had a good time despite the unseasonably cold and rainy weather. We were there primarily to celebrate the 2-year anniversary of Billy Shire Fine Arts but also saw several great exhibits.

First up was Mark Ryden’s “Tree Show,” his first solo show since Wondertoonal a few years back. We were lucky to be in L.A. back in 2003 and caught that up in Pasadena when it was there. This show is a great follow up and had all new work of course. No pictures allowed but several pieces are here.

Annie, Bob Dob, Tiffany, and myself at Billy Shire Fine Arts.

Next up was I AM 8-BIT at Gallery 1988. We stopped in to see Alan Defibaugh’s piece and were pleasantly surprised to see what a great group of artists were hanging right alongside him. Bob Dob, Amy Sol, Kathy Olivas, Joe Ledbetter, Luke Chueh, and many more. We also found out later that D.C. artist Chris Bishop was in the show, and happy to announce he has agreed to be a part of Art in Heat.

Marion Peck’s work was showing at Billy Shire Fine Arts. Very cool show. She and Mark Ryden are a couple, and there are many similarities in their work. Both of their shows sold out by the way.

Nathan Ota’s work was at La Luz de Jesus along with Martin Wittfooth. I chatted with Nathan briefly at the anniversary party. He was in the Tug of War show with me here at the Hemphill last month but didn’t make the trip to D.C. Amazing work – check it out here. His work sold out, too.

Here is Mario’s Breakfast by Alan Defibaugh, as well as several shots of the I AM 8-BIT show.

Mario's Breakfast





The Tripper

We went to a screening of The Tripper a few weeks back at the Senator Theater in Baltimore. Very funny movie – sums up the last 40 years of U.S. politics in one tidy slasher movie. Very twisted and fun. Everyone was cheering the chick with the hammer at the end, and we were right there with her.

Finally got a chance to meet David Arquette, who wrote and directed The Tripper. He also bought some of my work at the La Luz show last December.

David and Scott

Artomatic 2007!

Lots of friends are exhibiting their work here, including many “Art in Heat” artists. It should be a great time.


April 13 – May 20, 2007
2121 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA
Metro stop: Crystal City
Free admission. Donations accepted.

Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Noon–10 p.m.
Thursday: Noon–11 p.m.
Friday, Saturday: Noon–1 a.m.
Closed Mondays

“Artomatic, the Washington, D.C., area’s eclectic, engaging — and occasionally even eye-popping — arts extravaganza is back this spring and promises to be more of a draw than ever before.

“Held regularly since 1999, Artomatic is the region’s one-of-a-kind multimedia art featuring more than 600 regional artists and performers. The free five-week event, to be held April 13–May 20, will feature nearly 90,000 square feet of paintings, sculptures, photography, and other creative work.”