
Hey, Is That a Boy or a Girl?

I will be exhibiting 2 pieces in this show. “What Would Paris Do”, from the Jumping Through Hoops show, and a new painting, tentativly titled “The Resurrection of Miss Rita Fyne”. Images are posted on the TAG website.

gender show

The Triangle Artists Group and The Warehouse Gallery and Theater present:

“Hey, Is That a Boy or a Girl?”

Artists Look at Gender

November 4th, 2005 through December 4th, 2005
Exhibition Opening: Friday, November 4th from 6:00pm to 10:00pm.

The Warehouse Gallery
1017 – 21 Seventh Street,
NW Washington, DC 20001 202-783-3933

An exhibition and series of events of art, writing, film and performance that asks – and sometimes answers – what is “gender”, anyway? Or what bugs you about gender? Or when is a cigar not just a cigar

Saturday 11/19 a fantastic line-up of writers reading their work including: Jaime Grant, Dylan Scholinski, Monica Hand, Michelle Sewell, and more.

Sunday 11/20 an evening of performance art with BLKw/BEAR, Delia Kovac, Michelle Marchese, Ethan Shoshan, Renee Shaw, and more. An evening of short film (date TBD) with pieces by: Bridge Markland, Eliza Greenwood, Joey Hateley, Renee Shaw, and more.

Gallery Talk with Special Guest Stars (date TBD)

Next Up: Threesome

A Girl, a Guy, and a Gay.


Big thanks to Mike L. for his superb design skills.