

Busy couple of months ahead of me. Several freelance jobs, one for Cricket and a big one for the Forest Service. Another big job is in the works and I am awaiting final word on that. I’ll be having an open studio the weekend of November 11, as well as a group show – “Threesome: A girl, a guy, and a gay” that opens that weekend too.

I’ve got some great pictures from the opening and will be posting soon. This is that last week for Jumping Through Hoops so I hope you can squeeze it in if you haven’t been up there already.


Hollywood – Pat Robertson on Sunday said that Hurricane Katrina was God’s way of expressing its anger at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for its selection of Ellen Degeneres to host this year’s Emmy Awards. “By choosing an avowed lesbian for this national event, these Hollywood elites have clearly invited God’s wrath,” Robertson said on “The 700 Club” on Sunday. “Is it any surprise that the Almighty chose to strike at Miss Degeneres’ hometown?”

Robertson also noted that the last time Degeneres hosted the Emmys, in 2001, the September 11 terrorism attacks took place shortly before the ceremony.

“This is the second time in a row that God has invoked a disaster shortly before lesbian Ellen Degeneres hosted the Emmy Awards,” Robertson explained to his approximately one million viewers. “America is waiting for her to apologize for the death and destruction that her sexual deviance has brought onto this great nation.”

Robertson added that other tragedies of the past several years can be linked to Degeneres’ growing national prominence. September, 2003, for example, is both the month that her talk show debuted and when insurgents first gained a foothold in Iraq following the successful March invasion. “Now we know why things took a turn for the worse,” he explained.

In order to avoid further tragedy, Robertson called not only for the Television Academy to find a new heterosexual host, but to bar all homosexuals and bisexuals from taking part in the ceremony.

He said employees at the Christian Broadcasting Network had put together a list of 283 nominees, presenters, and invited guests at the Emmys known to be of sexually deviant persuasions.

“God already allows one awards show to promote the homosexual agenda,” Robertson declared. “But clearly He will not tolerate such sinful behavior to spread beyond the Tonys.”

Dolphin Report

Bright and early last Saturday – around 2pm – we headed to the Rehoboth for a week.

Weather has been great – Sunny and in the 80’s most of the week. Cloudy yesterday so we went shopping. Though the forecast called for rain/clouds today it’s sunny out right now. Hurricane Ophelia is to the south of us but we haven’t seen any of that. We’re just a few blocks from the beach in a garage type apartment.

WiFi connections have been spotty at best – but not having 24/7 internet connection is what’s making this such a good vacation. We both spend way to much time sitting in front off the computer. Finally found this place thats reliable and serves coffee – unfortunately I have to drive here. Zoggs near the beach is OK – but is mostly just a sports bar – which does have it’s moments – but not at 8am. I had some work to do, primarily sketches for a Forest Service project. Lots more awaiting me back in DC though.

Oh yea – dolphins everyday – lot’s of them and very close up. We saw another obvious beach newcomer (pale, cautious, woefully unprepared) quickly get out of the water when he saw the fins – it was clear he thought it was a shark coming to eat him.