
Post Show

Big thanks to everyone that stopped by Friday night and made the opening such a success. I of course especially want to thank Elyse for giving me the opportunity to show at Gallery Neptune. Other thanks go to her husband Michael – as well as mine. To the people that bought work I certainly appreciate the support – a few of the pieces that sold suprised me.

There was a steady stream of people, especially when the tour came in. Lots of familiar faces and many new ones. Glad to have the chance to meet lots of new people that night. The Harp and Fiddle was great fun too – just what I needed.

The Blade article will be out tomorrow, and lots of photos I hope to get online soon.

Hey Kids, Lets Put on a Show

Artist reception 6-9.

Looking forward to seeing the work up in the gallery. Elyse finished hanging yesterday, and there’s been a couple sales.

A few people have asked about parking/metro. The free shuttle Bethesda 8 takes off from the metro station and stops almost right in front of the gallery. More parking/info/direction here. Gallery phone is 301-718-0809. See you there.

Katrina Relief

And I don’t mean turning the TV off. Watching events unfold over the course of a week reminds me of the days following 9-11. Very sad and angry.

I think we all had this false sense of security that if something catastrophic happened one of these organizations would be there. Obviously it’s going to be every man, woman, child, and baby for themself. It won’t help people down south this time but hopefully the uproar over mismanagement will change things for the better next time.

Kudos to the artists auctioning/selling their work for Katrina relief. They’ve already raised a good amount. Lenny has a good handle on things, as well as Solarize This. Support where and when you can. I gave to the Red Cross, it was very quick and simple online.

red cross