My brother, Craig, is getting married today and I’m one of the groomsmen. We flew in Thursday and barely made the rehearsal on time due to a delayed flight and traffic. Last night was a BBQ with the brides family, and then Karaoke at the Red Baron Bar with the groom, the best man, the brides’ son and other assorted wedding related people. The wedding is today at 5:00.
It’s like wedding fever here. Dawn has a big family and everyone is in town for it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been involved in any wedding – much less one this large. Despite how much money, planning and stress are involved, it’s a happy event and everyone is having a good time. During rehearsal the “Wedding Planner” who was supposed to help everyone be in the right place at the right time was instead lecturing us about underage drinking. So the walk through became a run through and I doubt anyone remembers where they are supposed to be.
I might post a pic or 2 later – in the meantime this is us about 39 years ag0, we haven’t got much taller. From left – Greg, Craig, Scott, Michelle.

The big Flint Art Fair is also this weekend down at the Cultural Center so we’ll head down to that for a little while. I was very involved in the Flint Art scene before moving to DC.