
New Drawing

Similarities to previous post purely accidental.


New Art Acquisition

A provocative piece of sculpture that doubles as a cookie jar – you can’t beat that. Purchased at the Augustana Spring Bazaar.

new art

Classes at the Art League

I had my last class at the Art League in Alexandria yesterday. After not having taken an art class in 20 years it was a real eye opener. First off, the only person I had any interest in taking classes from was Rob Liberace, an artist whose work I respect highly. A few people were puzzled as to why I’d want to take a class, and concerned it might muck up my style, which never occurred to me, I just wanted to focus on anatomy and a more academic approach to the figure. And with a show coming up in September, it’s a good time for a kick in the ass.

I ended up with several nice pieces, and have an even higher appreciation for anatomy and working with the figure. The other students were very supportive, and most were accomplished artists, doing great work. They did give me a few odd looks when the eye’s inevitably drifted apart, but they figured it out I think. One guy later told me that they wondered if they should say anything, and Rob also made a comment ealy on that the “eyes were too far apart”. I hate to make too big a deal out of the whole eye thing – to me it seems like everyone is doing it. Joe Sorren and Greg Ferrand to just name two.

I hope to get some of the work scanned in, and photos taken in the next couple days and will post here. The three color chalk/pencil technique agrees with me the most, and I could go on and on about the impact Rob had on my painting, but since I have drawing show coming up I need to focus on that. I do look forward to squeezing in some painting as well. One of my objectives was to watch someone else do all this, I always work alone in my studio, so my habits could have been way out of whack. I was happy to know I was doing alot of things right, but I feel much more confident in the technical aspects of my work now.

Happy Memorial Day – weekend update

Saw Rilo Kiley at the 9:30 club Saturday night. Great music, VERY young crowd. Found out later they had a song featured on the OC – that’ll do it. I wondered why it was so easy to get a beer.

Cookout with K/R/J in Arlington Sunday afternoon. Flamingos, food, flowers & felines dominated the landscape. Finally met David Daniels and enjoyed chatting with him. Suprised our paths haven’t crossed years ago, considering our mutual friends, and my artist in residence stint at Montgomery College last year. Big congrats to him for getting in the Bethesda Painting show – a great opportunity – nice $ awards – (and my work wasn’t accepted).

Finally – we watched Shawn of the Dead last night – very funny British take on the zombie movie. I didn’t know that much about it but suprised by how clever it was. Not as predictable as so much of the crap the U.S. puts out. Speaking of – I almost forgot we watched Team America Friday. I LOVE South Park – and while this had some great bits – including the puppet sex and projectile vomiting – I was disappointed.

Jury Duty

I’ve been in jury duty since Monday. Hopefully done today. The judge says we can’t talk about it until after it’s over – then I can tell anyone I want. Stay tuned for the verdict.