
Off to Michigan

Traveling to Michigan today for a week to do school visits for the books and to visit family and friends over Easter.

Mondo Exotica

Last weekend we went to Mondo Exotica, the Visionary Art Museum‘s annual fundraising party in Baltimore. Great music by Squonk Opera and Brave Combo, along with everyone being in costume, made for a quite a bash. The theme was King Neptune’s Aquarama (which corresponds with AVAM’s current show), and we went as Team Zissou from The Life Aquatic with Kate and Jared.

Team Zissou

I hope DC can get something like this going. This was just one night and everyone had a great time and went home. I hear Artomatic is having an Artist’s Prom this June and I’m looking forward to that. Big party events like this are a great way to build the arts community and take advantage of the current spike in the DC art scene.

I met Jackie from Squonk Opera last year at Gallery Neptune’s showing of her talented BF David Wallace’s work. They are from Pittsburgh so I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to see Squonk perform. We were planning on going to Mondo anyway and seeing them play was an added bonus.

Squonk Opera

Fans in Russia

My website has been getting a high volume of hits from Russia. I did some digging and found my work and links on about a dozen Russian blogs. My Russian being a bit rusty I turned to Alta Vista’s Babel Fish Translation application. It worked like a charm and now I have a rough translation of what’s being said.

Most of it was very complimentary – though there were a few remarks about my parents and something about a werewolf. Here are a few very rough translations.

“Dyadechkiny figures were pleased very (apparently because we with it eksperimentim in one river bed) But here is zhivopiss’ already too of frankenshteynopodobna. Even for me too)”

“the widely arranged eyes – this is stylish. manner pleases itself.”

“To Brooks, probably customers all brains of proyebali by the requirements to correspond to the expectations of the degenerate parents of those degenerate children, coma it illustrates degenerate books. Here and it stretched on real art”

“child with the deviations gorged the rabbit, a good illustrator for the children’s books”

“this is the mortal sin, this is the sick fantasy of the artist yes, it is unpleasant”

These are from Tiphareth and the homicidal maniac’s Journal.