
Alias “Expose Yourself 2” Contest

Here is my entry for the Alias Sketchbook Pro contest called Expose Yourself 2. They’re asking artists to create a breakdancing character using only Sketchbook Pro for a video game. Using my handy Fujitsu Tablet PC I created several concepts and got a chance to really explore the software and the tablet. It’s amazing. I predict these things will eventually catch on. Shameless I know – but the winner gets $5000.00 and a new Tablet PC, so please give me a vote – contest starts February 2 ends February 14. You will need to register – but it only takes a minute.


Drawing National 2

Girl with Pet Goat was selected to be in the exhibit “Drawing National 2”, held at Montgomery College in Rockville, Maryland from February 21 to March 11. Opening reception is February 21, from 6-8pm. More information is here.

Girl With Pet Goat


Here is the commissioned portrait I’ve been working on for months. It was tough for many reasons. These guys are friends of mine, and Dan is an artist as well, which adds on even more pressure. I call it “Dan and Chris as Adam and Steve in the Garden of Eden”. Their dog, Jack plays the role of the serpent. Once I figured out the direction to take it, I had great fun, despite the looming deadline. The unveiling was Saturday in front of a small crowd at Dan and Chris’s.

Adam and Steve

Tablet PC has arrived!

While all the art you see here is done using traditional media, the computer is an essential tool these days. That said… My Fujitsu Tablet PC just arrived and I’m looking forward to getting into it. Using Alias Sketchbook Pro it will become a digital sketchbook. I can make preliminary sketches for paintings – or take them into Illustrator or Photoshop. Here is a sample of how it is used by one cartoonist.

Fujitsu T4000D

I do, however create my share of digital illustration and will soon be putting up a website focusing solely on my digital work. I need a cool name, so any suggestions? email me – if I pick your suggestions I’ll give you an original drawing.